Monday, January 14, 2013


Advanced Tracking and Mapping Application

ViewPoint is an advanced web-based application from Honeywell Global Tracking that allows governments and organizations of all sizes to track and monitor high-value mobile assets such as vehicle fleets, vessels, cargo containers and personnel – even in the most remote and hostile areas of the world.

In ViewPoint, each terminal is visible in real-time on a highly interactive map. In addition to using standard maps from Google and Bing, ViewPoint supports custom map layers such as security hot-spots, maritime charts, and EEZ boundaries. This is particularly important in regions where default maps provide an insufficient amount of detail. As ViewPoint is capable of displaying thousands of assets at a time, the application offers several data filters, making it easy to display only a sub-set of active units based on fleet, area, distance, warning status or similar parameters.

It’s easy to create any number of geofences in ViewPoint, using a spatially indexed Geographic Information System (GIS) database and a powerful rules engine. Geofences are often used to indicate safe routes for vehicles and personnel on the ground. Should a vehicle venture outside of the geofence area, an operator will automatically be notified via email or SMS.

ViewPoint works with the Osprey Personal Tracker as well as Honeywell Global Tracking’s SAT, TAM and PDT series of satellite terminals, and can be coupled with a range of flexible satellite airtime packages.


  • Global Coverage: Offers worldwide web-based tracking, messaging and alerting.
  • Interactive: Allows custom map layers to be added to existing Google and Bing maps, increasing clarity by using filters to view and sort assets by distance, fleet name, asset status and more.
  • Automated Alerts: Immediately sends automated notifications to multiple contacts via SMS and email based on a range of geofence parameters (e.g., route, curfew, and checkpoint).
  • Communicate: Sends text messages directly to groups of terminals without going through central command.
  • Quick Calculation: Quickly calculates point-to-point distances and route lengths using the measurement tool, increasing accuracy when communicating with others.
  • Easily Integrated: ViewPoint works with many enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and enables a common operating picture by clearly tracking, labeling and monitoring all assets.

ViewPoint Technical Specifications

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